I love knowing so many awesome and wonderful people, but I really hate not being able to share my experiences with them when distance separates. With technology these days, I can get pretty close to capturing and sharing my life experiences with the people I claim and who claim me. So that's exactly what this blog will attempt to be, after all, life is a journey with many stories arising and waiting for ears to listen. Let's travel together.

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Hello there,

            I haven't written in a while... one might say since last year. Here's an update on my fall semester and Christmas break.

            The fall semester was a success in many ways. I finished my fellowship with Berea’s Entrepreneurship for the Public Good, attended the KAHPERD Leadership Conference and after all these semesters the Dean finally remembered me on his list. In retrospect, the fall semester showed me that I am capable because of the people around me. Without recognition and guidance of other people, how could anyone become anything? For instance, I did not know the KAHPHERD Conference existed until another student and I were asked to represent the Health and Human Performance Department. There weren’t any applications or fliers posted around campus for this conference. However, being asked to attend reminded me of two things. First, I am very little without the recognition of my peers and mentors. Sure I can say all I want about myself, but a person is represented by their actions and the words of those who see us act. The second reminder is very similar. Someone is always watching what you do in class, at work, in dining, etc. I remember hearing very similar words in middle school and high school from my football coaches. Of course they meant it to say that not only do you represent yourself with your actions throughout the day, but also that the team’s image is a summation of each team member’s actions. In the context of the KAHPHERD conference, I would not have thought I would be a candidate to represent the HHP department. It was reassuring to attend based on my professors’ recommendations and to remember that my actions are noticed whether I’m aware of it or not. The fall was also a very busy semester and Christmas Break was much needed and very welcomed.
            Over the break I traveled many miles. One of the trips I made was to Savannah, Georgia where I spent Christmas with family. Now I’m not sure what family means to you, but I do know it can have multiple meanings. For me, I like to think my family is the group of people who I share something in common with and who has adopted me. The common characteristics are the belief in loving God with every fiber of our being and loving our neighbors as ourselves. The people who have become my family over the last 6-7 years have adopted me and they number far more than I ever thought. As I spent Christmas in Savannah with family, I was filled with love, encouragement and a sense of capability. These emotions reminded me of something I wrote about the meaning of home during my first year of college, “In fact, a physical setting is the least accurate description of a home. No, home collects the most joyful, happy, memorable, loving, and life-giving times of our lives.” Today, I would also add that home for Believers is the Kingdom of God. When Jesus first begins to preach he proclaims, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.” With Jesus’ life, God’s Kingdom and His Will have come to earth as it is in heaven. Home for those who believe in Christ is no longer this foreign concept. As we carry out the two greatest commandments, we glimpse into the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven. Our souls yearn for being home, where no darkness or temptation can be found. This yearning is what moves us along our path; here is another note I wrote a while back about home.
robust anger feeds from falseness
it slams with pain
making every path a slippery sidewalk
to be walked with lethargy


love moves with grace
it is more ample
feeding only from within
but pouring out as a waterfall does

it makes paths shine
big enough for everyone
welcoming to all
leading somewhere
we call Home

I also went on a backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail in the Smoky Mountains. Here are some pictures from that trip. 

Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD) Conference in November.
Testing the waters.

If you look close enough the middle 'mountain' is actually a shadow.
Clingman's Dome: If you look close enough the middle 'mountain' is actually a shadow.

Fontana Dam

Up close.

Fontana Dam

Sunrise at Molly's Ridge after night one.
Catching the sunset at the lookout
Sunset at Clingman's Dome
A remake
Me, Noah, Chris, Dylan, and Aaron.

(L to R) Chris, Me, Noah, Aaron, and Dylan.

Taking a break.

Decisions, decisions...

Filtered sun.