I love knowing so many awesome and wonderful people, but I really hate not being able to share my experiences with them when distance separates. With technology these days, I can get pretty close to capturing and sharing my life experiences with the people I claim and who claim me. So that's exactly what this blog will attempt to be, after all, life is a journey with many stories arising and waiting for ears to listen. Let's travel together.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

In our wavering, we're caught by...


God's Creation is beautiful and Holy
It is the accuser's approach to make His Creation seem less
At times, we are tempted to approach His creation with selfish desire
Oh how our flesh desires


Dressed falsely
Much like an attractive flower that we stop to smell, feel and admire
Keeping us from the Path
Keeping us from praising Him
Drawing our attention and energy to something that can not reciprocate life or eternity


Much like a weed
Rooting in concrete blocks
Surfacing through cracks
Day by day, we walk by
The weed grows
and grows
Until one day it has overcome us
Its bigger than we thought it could become
and now it seems impossible to rid ourselves of the weed

How did this weed, at once so puny become so enclosing?

We walked the Path with wavering eyes
We walked the Path carelessly
We forgot to give Him praise

Idols can grab our lives and draw the love from us
thus our praise for Him
Idols can sneak into our lives and demand the love from us
thus our praise for Him

Saturday, October 1, 2016


Bad things happen. Life happens. We can not evade earthly loss of loved ones. We can not evade wrong doings. We can not evade life changing circumstances such as cancer, loss of sight, hearing, or being paralyzed. Life happens and sometimes life can be painful, sad and full of despair. Life can leave us in sobs, tears and lonely circumstances. Often times, the unpleasant things that happen in life are messy and we call those things dirt. Some of the dirt of my life is my mother died at a young age, I grew up surrounded by drug addiction and alcoholism, I knew what sex was when I was in 2nd grade, and I have lived with a lustful and jealous heart. Dirt can keep us from God, dirt is much like sin and we can let dirt be barren or we can offer the dirt to someone who knows how to use it and then it can be used to grow life. Our sins can be brought to the light and we can grow even closer to the Creator.

During one of my summer jobs, I was moving a lot of dirt to make a flat surface for some bricklaying. So, I started thinking about the matter. That laborious day made me think two things: First, this is what it means to toil the land. Second, dirt can be barren as we trod over it daily or it can be plowed and sowed where seed can sprout new life. The longer we trod over it, the harder it becomes. The sooner we plow through it and stop walking over it, the sooner we can be fruitful. If we work through our dirt within the body of Christ, sharing one another's trials and triumphs becomes healing from the brokenness of this world. And God willing, He waters us through our communion with Him in the Body and we are transformed and grown into a ripe creation. Creation that He made so that He would be glorified. And we are His Creation, and we are to glorify Him. There is dirt in this world, because Adam and Eve ate not from the tree of Good, but the Tree of Good AND Evil. The accuser is just as real as God is and to be oblivious to the accusers existence is to be already fooled. There is not credit given to the accuser for God is all powerful and His victory over the accuser, was Jesus Christ's resurrection over death and sin. No longer are we submissive to fear, to shame, to hate, or regret. No longer! We have no time to maintain any regrets; for we have glimpsed the Glory of God and we are to love Him through our worship and through our love for one another!

We are not omitted from this world or it's canyons, carved by tears of sorrow.
Oh how we will shed tears
That are deep, deep remembrances of our humanity
O the canyons of sorrow and pain
We are not omitted from this world
Not one bit
And the evil one attempts to push us in
But thanks be to God that His deep, deep
deep love
fills those canyons
That He completes our emptiness in our humanity
That our void that once was sorrow
Is filled with the completeness of His love
Oh how God fills our canyons of sorrow
with overflowing waters of joy
He replaces the canyons of sorrow
With the River of His blessings

And in this age we only know to take urns of His blessings
but one day
We will know to swim
To throw ourselves fully
into His blessings
to be carried by His River
without fear of falling into the canyon that once was
or drowning in the waters that are His

Oh yes
What would you trade for the Kingdom?
Men and women have traded everything they have
just for the Kingdom
Because it is worthy
And worthy is it to throw ourselves fully into it

For now, we take our urns
to water what we need to water
For we can only plant and prune
but its only God that provides the water so that we can grow
Without Him we remain idle in our drought

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

With Seasons Come Stories

"Every summer has its own story"

I wish these words came from my mouth first, but these are actually the words of a friend. I have had the sentiment that every summer has its own story, but I just couldn't articulate that each summer has its own goodness. Indeed, not just the summer seasons create new stories, but every season that makes up the year.

This summer was a good summer, because I got to wear many hats. Teacher's assistant, painter, plant sitter, pet sitter, bellman, and other odd jobs here and there. Through each position, I formed relationships. Some still lasting, others will pick up when we meet eye to eye again. So maybe the summer wasn't a good summer because I had all these different job experiences, but rather that I got to form relationships.

One of my biggest struggles coming into college was forming relationships. To some extent, I didn't have an interest in relating to others and I would say I am more on the introverted side. Instead of being comfortable around others, I worried about what I was going to say. On a very basic level, I worried about the topic of conversation. Would I be able to share any words? Forming relationships was something that I feared, and the fear was there because I want relationships to last. And growing up, that wasn't the case. Seasonal father figures, a mother who I missed dearly as her presence fluttered, and I believe that's possibly something that fueled my fear of relationships. I didn't know if they would last. And if they didn't, I didn't know that that's okay if relationships don't continue forever. Some relationships end intentionally, while others are paused but pick right up when its time for them to continue. But there is one relationship that should always remain, and that is our relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. That is actually the only relationship we can rely on wholeheartedly. No matter where we are we can always rely on Him. No matter where we are! Yet, we still detract ourselves from Him. God creates reality, and the reality that He creates is far more life-giving than any other dreamy fantasy we can muster ourselves. God's reality has taught me that no matter the mistakes I make, He is always God and His reality always is, with or without me. That's a fact, we can choose to live in the reality God creates or we can walk away and live without His reality. Either way, God prevails in His plan. Being a follower of Christ, means having a relationship with Him and His people. One thing I've learned about God's love is that it is constant. He always loves. Another thing I've learned is that being in a relationship requires reciprocity. He loves us unconditionally, but we also must love Him and His people so that we can experience His reality to the fullest. Relationships that come to fruition, have done so because of a back and forth and a face to face. God doesn't turn His face from us, and we should never turn ours from His. How can we know someone if we are always talking to the back of their head?

This summer's story continued to teach me about relationships. And it did so through working side by side with people, providing services, teaching people, worshiping together, learning together, laughing together, and crying together. Simply put, I lived and shared the day to day with the people around me.  

Saturday, August 13, 2016


The class of 2016 has just graduated from Berea College, and as I sat through the Baccalaureate and Commencement services I found those moments opportune to preview my graduation. These milestones undoubtedly shock us when they become reality, because at one point they seemed so far away and so unattainable. These milestones seem so surreal as we sit back and remind ourselves of our origins.

Imagine a mirror.
Now look into that mirror.
Seeing yourself.
Seeing the important people of your life fill the background.

We look in our mirror, seeing who we've become as we are surrounded by the people and sentiments who've shaped us. And at each milestone we reflect, to see that our mirrors are filled even more, requiring more and more room for all that has become apart of our lives.
As I sat through the services, I couldn't help but to look in my mirror and to be thankful that it is ever expanding with people dear to my heart.

And those people have come into my life exemplifying His love, Christ's love that gives eternal life.

Below is a link to pictures taken from my spring break trip to Hawaii. I find it much easier to post a large number of photos using the website WordPress and will occasionally direct you to pictures on WordPress. However, my "blog-blog" will remain with Blogger.




Sunday, January 24, 2016


Hello there,

            I haven't written in a while... one might say since last year. Here's an update on my fall semester and Christmas break.

            The fall semester was a success in many ways. I finished my fellowship with Berea’s Entrepreneurship for the Public Good, attended the KAHPERD Leadership Conference and after all these semesters the Dean finally remembered me on his list. In retrospect, the fall semester showed me that I am capable because of the people around me. Without recognition and guidance of other people, how could anyone become anything? For instance, I did not know the KAHPHERD Conference existed until another student and I were asked to represent the Health and Human Performance Department. There weren’t any applications or fliers posted around campus for this conference. However, being asked to attend reminded me of two things. First, I am very little without the recognition of my peers and mentors. Sure I can say all I want about myself, but a person is represented by their actions and the words of those who see us act. The second reminder is very similar. Someone is always watching what you do in class, at work, in dining, etc. I remember hearing very similar words in middle school and high school from my football coaches. Of course they meant it to say that not only do you represent yourself with your actions throughout the day, but also that the team’s image is a summation of each team member’s actions. In the context of the KAHPHERD conference, I would not have thought I would be a candidate to represent the HHP department. It was reassuring to attend based on my professors’ recommendations and to remember that my actions are noticed whether I’m aware of it or not. The fall was also a very busy semester and Christmas Break was much needed and very welcomed.
            Over the break I traveled many miles. One of the trips I made was to Savannah, Georgia where I spent Christmas with family. Now I’m not sure what family means to you, but I do know it can have multiple meanings. For me, I like to think my family is the group of people who I share something in common with and who has adopted me. The common characteristics are the belief in loving God with every fiber of our being and loving our neighbors as ourselves. The people who have become my family over the last 6-7 years have adopted me and they number far more than I ever thought. As I spent Christmas in Savannah with family, I was filled with love, encouragement and a sense of capability. These emotions reminded me of something I wrote about the meaning of home during my first year of college, “In fact, a physical setting is the least accurate description of a home. No, home collects the most joyful, happy, memorable, loving, and life-giving times of our lives.” Today, I would also add that home for Believers is the Kingdom of God. When Jesus first begins to preach he proclaims, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.” With Jesus’ life, God’s Kingdom and His Will have come to earth as it is in heaven. Home for those who believe in Christ is no longer this foreign concept. As we carry out the two greatest commandments, we glimpse into the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven. Our souls yearn for being home, where no darkness or temptation can be found. This yearning is what moves us along our path; here is another note I wrote a while back about home.
robust anger feeds from falseness
it slams with pain
making every path a slippery sidewalk
to be walked with lethargy


love moves with grace
it is more ample
feeding only from within
but pouring out as a waterfall does

it makes paths shine
big enough for everyone
welcoming to all
leading somewhere
we call Home

I also went on a backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail in the Smoky Mountains. Here are some pictures from that trip. 

Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD) Conference in November.
Testing the waters.

If you look close enough the middle 'mountain' is actually a shadow.
Clingman's Dome: If you look close enough the middle 'mountain' is actually a shadow.

Fontana Dam

Up close.

Fontana Dam

Sunrise at Molly's Ridge after night one.
Catching the sunset at the lookout
Sunset at Clingman's Dome
A remake
Me, Noah, Chris, Dylan, and Aaron.

(L to R) Chris, Me, Noah, Aaron, and Dylan.

Taking a break.

Decisions, decisions...

Filtered sun.